Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Beware of Cervical Cancer

The most dangerous cancer for women is cervical cancer. In Indonesia, the death number caused by this cancer is very high. Mostly the patient just come to doctor when the cancer is already on the advance stadium. The effects caused by this cancer are very sadly. Specially in term of life hoping, curing possibility, length of suffering, and the high cost. Meanwhile, the exact cause of this cancer can not be identified yet. Some research said it may caused by a virus called Human Papylloma Virus (HPV) that infected thru sexual activities with infected person. From this statement, we know that men can be a high risked potentiality to infect this virus to women and caused the cervical cancer. Some high risked potentiality women to be easily infected are the women that doing the sexual activities in very young age (before 20 years old) , doing sexual activities with more than one man, not doing the hygiene vagina treatment, and doing sexual activities with a man that has been infected by his sexual partner.

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