Sunday, January 18, 2009

Really Proud

Yesterday was my greatest day, having my son winning his school championship. One again, he made me proud of him, really proud,,,
Bring it on!!, when he got home bringing that trophy with him,,,
After those hard moment waiting a long list of number calling and seeing him so upset on his friends raise up to the stage to get the prize, while his number was not being called yet. Could not imagine how I would make him happy if he never won that championship,,,,could not imagine what come up if he went home with nothing,,,oh GOD,,,I sigh,,,,
Then on a last minute before end,,,,,mentioned a number who got the second winner, really unexpected,,,it was my son's number!!!!,,,,Hooray!!!! I shouted!!! Finally I can see my son on the stage with that trophy raised,,,,Suddenly my sad turn to be happy in a second,,,,
Thanks GOD,,,,for giving me my son's happiness,,,,

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