Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cervix cancer is a number one disease that kill women in Indonesia

Each year, there are 15 thousands new case and 8 thousands women are die cause of this disease. Many humans die are cause of minimum information about cervix cancer, especially women. In Fact, all women have risk to hit cancer which can attack their main organ.

Women cancer
According research result, cancer cause often attack women (after breast cancer) such as; Ovarium cancer, cervix cancer and uterus cancer. Women reproduction content are 2 ovarium, 2 tuba fallopian, uterus, cervix, and vagina.

Ovarium cancer is part of gynaecology that often happen, cause of women have prosperity increasing therefore they didn’t want to born a child. Recorded 190 thousands case in the world with death number till 115 thousands. cervix cancer is the first level in obstetrics and gynaecology cancer case, but when founded preventive and early ‘skrining’ detection, cervix cancer patient have decrease. Recorded 500 thousands case in the world with death number till 250 thousands.

Uterus cancer is cancer that often happen in endometrial, a place where fetus growing, often happen to women ages 60-70 years old.

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